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Three-Dimensional Architecture and Paleoenvironments of Osaka Bay: An Integrated Seismic Study on the Evolutionary Processes of a Tectonic Basin

Three-Dimensional Architecture and Paleoenvironments of Osaka Bay: An Integrated Seismic Study on the Evolutionary Processes of a Tectonic Basin

Three-Dimensional Architecture and Paleoenvironments of Osaka Bay: An Integrated Seismic Study on the Evolutionary Processes of a Tectonic Basin



Author(s)Yasuto Itoh, Keiji Takemura
Size10.5 MB
ISBN9811305765, 978-9811305764, 9811344558, 978-9811344558, B07DFF5BC4

This publication shows the three-dimensional configuration of the gigantic tectonic sag of the Osaka Bay sedimentary basin on the eastern Eurasian margin based on reflection seismic data never before published. The basin has developed relatively quickly since the dawn of the Quaternary. High-resolution subsurface images on the profiles provide highly valuable information about the architecture of active faults, paleoenvironmental changes, and mass balance on the convergent margin. The book presents an excellent case study of a tectonically controlled basin because morphologies and evolutionary processes of such basins show an enormous diversity, reflecting spatiotemporal variation in tectonic stress. Furthermore, this volume provides insight into the general mechanism of sedimentary basin formation.

The quantitative analyses contained here will be thought-provoking for industry experts, academics, and graduate and undergraduate students engaged in geologic survey and civil engineering. The contents will be especially useful to professionals in the fields of Quaternary geology, neotectonics, and active fault research.