ISBNs: 1640431381, 1640432183, 9781640431386, 9781640432185, 978-1640431386, 978-1640432185
English | 2020 | Original PDF | 689 Pages
Endorsed by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), The Pharmacy
Technician, 7e, is a valuable tool for pharmacy technician students.
This applied, accessible book is a practical text for understanding the
principles, career concepts, and pharmacy skills needed to be a
successful pharmacy technician. It offers clear, concise information to
help students learn the material and pass the national certification
exams: the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE), and the Exam
for Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT). This book was
designed to be accompanied by The Pharmacy Technician, Workbook &
Certification Review, 7e, to help prepare for the certification exams.
textbook aligns with the Fifth Edition of the American Society of
Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Model Curriculum for Pharmacy
Technician Education and Training Programs and the 2020 content outline
for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE).
The MODULAR DESIGN makes the book concise and easy to use, with each
topic beginning on a new page and ensuring the artwork is on the same
two-page spread as the topic.
• Extensive use of FULL-COLOR
ILLUSTRATIONS provides information, reinforces text discussions, and
shows step-by-step procedures.
• A RUNNING GLOSSARY provides the definition for key terms, set aside from the main text, allowing for easy reference and study.
Chapter opening and closing THINK IT THROUGH and WRAP-UP features
provide students with case scenarios to introduce topics and to promote
critical thinking at the conclusion of the chapter.
• End-of-Chapter
REVIEW provides a Checklist of Key Concepts and a Self Test that
includes matching, multiple choice, critical thinking, research,
calculations, and practice questions for the certification.
• Rx SAFETY NOTES and Rx TIPS highlight safety information, indicate points of emphasis, and offer useful tips.
Integrated example math problems with step-by-step solutions throughout
the text help students learn and apply math in context.
Researching Information activities in each chapter have students use
resources and references discussed in the Information chapter.