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Molecular Cell Biology Lodish Ninth Edition

 Molecular Cell Biology Lodish Ninth Edition

Molecular Cell Biology Lodish Ninth Edition


Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Anthony Bretscher, Hidde Ploegh

ISBNs: 1319208525, 1319365493, 1319365027, 978-1319365028, 978-1319208523, 978-1319365493, 9781319365028, 9781319208523, 9781319365493, B08W2V2RJG

English | 2021 | EPUB | 440 MB

Molecular Cell Biology remains the most authoritative and cutting-edge resource available for the cell biology course. The author team, consisting of world-class researchers and teachers, incorporates medically relevant examples where appropriate to help illustrate the connections between cell biology and health and human disease. Emphasis on experimental techniques that drive advances in biomedical sciences and introduce students to cutting edge research teach students the skills they need for their careers.