Surajit Mondal, Adesh Kumar, Rupendra Kumar Pachauri
ISBNs: B0CSB8LK4Q, 139417442X, 9781394174423, 978-1394174423
English | 2024 | PDF | 555 Pages
According to the World Renewable Energy Council (WREC), by the year
2100, the world's population will increase to 12 billion and the
worldwide energy demand will increase steeply to about five times the
present scenario. Researchers are striving to find alternative forms of
energy, and this quest is strongly forced by the increasing worry over
climate change and planetary heating. Among the diverse varieties of
alternative energy sources, biomass has the singular advantage of being
carbon neutral. The carbon that is discharged to the atmosphere during
its exercise is read back during the utilization of biomass resources
for energy output. Currently, biomass provides approximately 13% of the
world's primary energy supply and more than 75% of global renewable
energy. Indeed, it is estimated that bioenergy could contribute 25–33%
of the global energy supply by 2050. Continued adoption of biomass will
require efficient conversion rates and avoidance of competition with
food and fibers.
This book focuses on the recent practices in
clean energy and renewable energy. The contributors highlight how newer
technologies are reducing the dependency on non-renewable resources,
benefiting the researchers who are working in the area of clean and
renewable energy production. This new volume will also benefit
mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and bioengineers as they
will be updated with the recent work progressing all over the globe. It
will benefit the professionals working in the renewable energy sector
such as solar, wind, hydrothermal, hydrogen, and bioenergy, including
professors, research scholars, industry professionals, and students
working in this field.