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ABC-TRIZ: Introduction to Creative Design Thinking with Modern TRIZ Modeling Paperback

ABC-TRIZ: Introduction to Creative Design Thinking with Modern TRIZ Modeling Paperback

ABC-TRIZ: Introduction to Creative Design Thinking with Modern TRIZ Modeling Paperback



1st ed. 2017 edition 

by Michael A. Orloff (Author) 

This textbook arms the reader with powerful techniques of Modern TRIZ self-training and real problem solving. It is designed as a simple and efficient, step-by-step crash course in primary TRIZ models based on the author's methods of extraction and reinvention, or retrieval of invention models from any real-life objects. Special content addresses the psychological support of the person during problem solving and promotion of the new idea to realization. The book introduces the so-called Theory of Developing the Creative Personality (TDCP), initiated but not completed by Genrikh Altshuller, father of TRIZ and TDCP. The textbook continues to develop a simple standard model presentation of the problem solving process with a four-step Meta-Algorithm of Invention (MAI) T-R-I-Z.

Year 2017
Pages 536
Language English
Format PDF
Size 90 MB
ISBN-10 331980572X, 3319294350
ISBN-13 78-3319805726, 978-3319294353